25 Rare Pictures from Inside North Korea

25 Rare Images of North Korea

2. Into the Heart of the Grand Narrative: An Enigmatic Journey through North Korea’s Anniversary Celebration

Into the Heart of the Grand Narrative: An Enigmatic Journey through North Korea's Anniversary Celebration
Image Source: Eddo Hartmann

On October 10, 2015, the anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) was celebrated. It was a cold late October night, and it was the first time and the last time I was lost in a crowd of ever-present ‘minders’. Walking through this dark ritual, was a ghostly experience; you could be caught in the middle of a 40,000-ton tank and not even know it was there. 

Their focus is on the grand narrative of country, leader, and revolution, and how these are one and undivided. Every story, every visit begins and ends with the Great Leaders, absorbing all attention like a black hole consuming all light.

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