25 Rare Pictures from Inside North Korea

25 Rare Images of North Korea

12. Journey into Immortality: Exploring the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun

Journey into Immortality Exploring the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun
Image Source: Earth Nut Shell

This is the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun also known as the Mausoleum. Inside this building, President Kim Il-Sung and General Kim Jong-Il lie in state, preserved inside a clear glass coffin for public viewing. You’re required to bow with sincerity at the feet and at both sides of each Great Leader, but not at the head. Visitations are only possible on certain days, formal dress is required and you’ll go through metal detectors, shoe cleaners, and industrial-grade dust blowers. Access is via underground on long travelators. Here is a detailed write-up of my visit to the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.

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